Darbo apranga ir rūbai saugiam darbui įvairiose aplinkose. Galite pasirinkti apsauginius akinius, darbines ausines, kištukus, šalmus, pirštines, respiratorius ir kitas priemones

Protective work equipment - Face, Eye, Head, Respiratory, Hearing protection

Protective headphones for working in noisy environments

Noisy environments occur in most workplaces, especially in places where various equipment and mechanisms operate, as well as where noise-emitting tools are used. Such an environment, in certain frequency and sound, can harm workers - affect the hearing organs. Therefore, it is necessary to use different types of protection against earplugs (according to EN 353-2), which can be intended for single use or for repeated use, as well as protective headphones (according to EN 353-1). Of course, there is also the possibility of attaching hearing protection to a safety helmet (according to standard EN 352-3). All hearing protection products offered provide a wide range of ambient noise attenuation in decibels (dB).

Apsauginės ausinės darbui garsioje aplinkoje. Darbo rūbai ir priemonės saugiam ir patogiam darbui

Respiratory protection - Respirators, Masks and Half-masks

In the field of production, there are often situations when an employee encounters chemicals released into the environment during work, which may affect the quality of inhaled air. These are usually, for example, dust particles, aerosols, gases, various vapors. Various types of respirators and masks can provide the worker with adequate protection against dust particles.

Respiratoriai, veido kaukės ir puskaukės kvėpavimo takų apsaugai nuo kenksmingų medžiagų įkvėpimo.

Safety glasses - for eye protection against dangerous solid and liquid particles

Our email in the store www.dudu.lt you can also find a wide range of safety glasses. You can also view visors and goggles for welding work, helmets and their accessories, protective caps. The glasses meet the required standards for the work environment, as well as mechanical strength and optical class. Other properties of the glasses include protection against fogging (Anti-Fog), scratches (Anti-Scratch) and UV rays.

Apsauginiai akiniai internetu. Užsisakykite ir greitas pristatymas vilniuje, kaune, panevėžyje, šiauliuose, alytuje, klaipėdoje, ukmergėje

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